

The /api/search/addresses endpoint will suggest addresses based on a provided query string. Also works with Assessor Parcel Numbers (APNs).

HTTP Endpoint

Query string params

  • q - The search query

Example Request

# GET address suggestions based on the supplied query
$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer [token]" \ 

Example Response

        "id": 843970,
        "parcelId": 1018057,
        "apn": "5353442062",
        "apnFmt": "535-344-20-62",
        "full": "207 Fifth Ave #1043",
        "street": {
            "number": 207,
            "numberFraction": null,
            "preDirection": null,
            "name": "FIFTH",
            "suffix": "AVE",
            "postDirection": null
        "unit": "1043",
        "postal": "92101",
        "jurisdiction": "San Diego",
        "state": "CA",
        "country": "USA",
        "geom": {
            "coordinates": [-117.144261, 32.743483]
        "created": "2016-05-04T03:33:51.077522Z",
        "updated": "2016-07-11T23:24:34.965674Z"

Data Schema

Name Type Description
id integer Scoutred address ID
parcelId integer The Scoutred parcel ID. Used for making parcel requests.
apn string The unformatted Assessor Parcel Number (APN)
apnFmt string The formatted Assessor Parcel Number (APN)
full string A single line formatted version of the street attributes
street object Various attributes which make up the street
street.number integer The street number
street.numberFraction string The street number fraction if applicable
street.preDirection string The street pre direction (i.e. N, S, E, W) if applicable. string The name of the street
street.suffix string The string suffix (i.e. Ave, St, Dr.)
street.postDirection string The street pre direction (i.e. N, S, E, W) if applicable.
unit string The address unit. Applicable to condos.
postal string The postal (zip) code for the address.
jurisdiction string The jurisdiction for the address
state string The two letter representation of the state the address resides in (i.e. CA)
geom object GeoJSON Point feature with the longitude and latitude of the address.
country string The country the address resides in (i.e. USA)
created string A RFC3339 timestamp for record creation.
modified string A RFC3339 timestamp for record modification.