

The /api/zoning endpoint allows for querying all the zoning records using query string combinations.

HTTP Endpoint


Query String Parameters

  • lon - The longitude value to combine with the lat query string.
  • lat - The latitude value to combine with the lon query string.

Example Request

# GET parcels based on supplied lattitude and longitude values
$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer [token]" \
    -XGET https://scoutred.com/api/zoning?lat=32.952645&lon=-117.235974


The /api/zoning/:id endpoint will return zoning data using the a Scoutred zoning ID.

HTTP Endpoint


URL params

  • :id - The Scoutred zoning ID

Example Request

# GET address suggestions based on the supplied query
$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer [token]" \ 
    -XGET https://scoutred.com/api/zoning/183

Example Resource

    "id": 183,
    "jurisdiction": {
        "id": 2,
        "name": "City of San Diego",
        "created": "2016-03-27T01:15:32.875962Z",
        "updated": "2016-03-27T01:15:32.875962Z"
    "designation": "RM-1-1",
    "description": "The purpose of the RM zones is to provide for multiple dwelling unit development at varying densities. The RM zones individually accommodate developments with similar densities and characteristics. Each of the RM zones is intended to establish development criteria that consolidates common development regulations, accommodates specific dwelling types, and responds to locational issues regarding adjacent land uses.",
    "bounds": {
        "crs": {
            "type": "name",
            "properties": {
                "name": "EPSG:4326"
        "bbox": [
        "type": "Polygon",
        "coordinates": [
    "use": {
        "primary": "residential",
        "secondary": "multi family"
    "geohash": "9mudw74msyxf3jew8kbu",
    "regulations": [{
        "id": 187,
        "zoningId": 183,
        "lotSize": {
            "minArea": null,
            "maxArea": null,
            "minWidth": null,
            "minWidthCorner": null,
            "minFrontage": null,
            "minDepth": null
        "density": {
            "sfDu": 3000,
            "sfDuNote": null
        "heightLimit": {
            "max": 30,
            "aboveEnclosedParking": null,
            "roofFlat": null,
            "roofPitched": null,
            "note": null
        "far": {
            "base": 0.75,
            "min": null,
            "max": null,
            "residential": null,
            "commercial": null,
            "mixed": null,
            "note": null
        "setbacks": {
            "frontMin": 15,
            "frontMinNote": null,
            "frontMax": null,
            "frontMaxNote": null,
            "interiorSide": 5,
            "interiorSideNote": null,
            "streetSide": 10,
            "streetSideNote": null,
            "rear": 15,
            "rearAlley": null,
            "rearNote": null,
            "generalNote": null
        "lotCoverage": {
            "min": null,
            "max": null,
            "note": null
    "references": [
            "id": 366,
            "zoningId": 183,
            "description": "Municipal Code (PDF)",
            "url": "http://docs.sandiego.gov/municode/MuniCodeChapter13/Ch13Art01Division04.pdf",
            "created": "2016-05-11T05:23:39.337241Z",
            "updated": "2016-05-11T05:23:39.337241Z"
    "created": "2016-03-27T01:20:38.188055Z",
    "updated": "2021-05-02T13:42:54.574751Z"

Data Schema

Name Type Description
id integer Scoutred resource ID
name string Display name of the layer.
jurisdiction object The Jurisdiction that administer’s the overlay.
designation string The Jurisdiction’s zoning designation code
bounds geojson A geoJSON object for the bounding box of the overlay.
geohash string A geohash of the overlay.
use object Describes the primary and secondary uses for of the zoning. These are normalized values across jurisdictions.
use.primary string Can be one of: commercial, industrial, mixed use, open space, planned district, residential, government, agriculture, parking.
use.secondary string A sub attribute under use.primary. For exmple, residential will be either single family or multi family. This field is not currently stable and should not be relied on.
regulations array An array of various land used regulations (i.e. height limits, lot coverage, setbacks, etc.)
references array An array of reference links associated with the overlay.
created string A RFC3339 timestamp for record creation.
updated string A RFC3339 timestamp for record modification.